DIY Talisman Kit

DIY Talisman Kit


This DIY talisman kit includes materials and a worksheet that will walk you through the process of setting an intention, selecting 3 keywords and translating them into simple symbols. From there, combine symbols into a single sigil that represents your intention. Lastly, transfer your design onto the provided materials (small scroll in glass vial, wire wrapped on rosary cord) to be worn or kept close by as a touchstone object charged with this energetic focus in mind. This kit was first designed and distributed for the opening of Abracadabra and Other Forms of Protection; Harriet Bart’s retrospective exhibition at the Weisman Art Museum on the University of Minnesota campus in January of 2020.

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The main product of this exercise will be a poetic diagram of each individual’s desire for protection or transformation. The material surface it is applied to doesn’t matter so much as the energy that went into crafting it. Anything can become a talisman if imbued with meaning and intentionality. When used as a touchstone in everyday meditative or mindfulness practice, a tool like this helps to anchor energy of a specific resonance, and begins to have subtle but powerful effects on consciousness as it reflects back that which has been energetically invested in it by the wearer. Instructions for charging here.